Selected Articles and Interviews Documenting The Project :
The Lahaina News - Be Part of History at the Lahaina Royal Ho'ike by Mark Vieth, Editor. October 14 2010
LAHAINA —“It is the first time in history that the official portrait of Queen Keopuolani will sit at her royal tomb at Waiola Church. The portrait will be generously on loan from Kamehameha Schools of Oahu for that evening only. It will be carried by the Hawaii Royal Order of Guards from Oahu to Maui and met by official salute at Kahului Airport by the Royal Hawaiian Guard of Maui,” said Jennifer Fahrni of The Ka‘iulani Project, who organized the event with Faleafine and Wilmont Kahaialii of Waiola Church. An event on Saturday, Oct. 16, will celebrate Crown Princess Ka‘iulani Cleghorn’s 135th birthday and honor Lahaina’s royal past and the rich, vibrant culture of Hawaii...
Fahrni has been involved in the Kaiulani Project ( for the past eight years. The reason I continue to tell Kaiulanis story is to give the young people of today and us old people for that matter an example of someone who, by standing strong and telling the truth, changed history. She didnt fail. If she hadnt spoken up, then maybe you could say she had failed. But in the face of the worst untruths about herself and her family, when all seemed lost, Kaiulani, with the greatest dignity, spoke up and simply set the record straight. Her words are still strong today, and people are listening, she concluded. Read full article.
The Maui News - Celebrate Legacy of Princess Kaiulani October 14 2010
MAUI — The Lahaina Royal Ho'ike will celebrate the life of Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn, Hawaii's last crown princess, with a day of entertainment and activities from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, October 16 at Moku'ula and Waiola Church in Lahaina. Hawaiian cultural and history specialists hail the celebration as a way to cultivate the Hawaiian cultural, educate the public and entertain. The festivities, at 535 Wainee St., include free entertainment by the Kahaiali'i ohana, Uncle Richard Ho'opi'i, Na Kamali'i O Ke Akua, Hiki No, the Krueger ohana, Tava Nui drummers, Kahi Kolu from the Big Island, Celtic Hart and Scottish bagpipers, among others. The celebration will culminate with an evening luau, "Lu'au O Ka'iulani,"…...Read full article.
Newspaper, Vancouver, Canada - Hawaiian/Scottish Enigma - A Celtic Princess to be Celebrated in Hawaii. October 2010.
LAHAINA — A Hawaiian/Scottish princess celebrates her 135th birthday in this year of the Hawaiian Kingdom Bicentennial, on October 16 at Lahaina Royal Ho'ike. Visitors will be able to experience Lahaina's rich and royal past as they enjoy a day of festivities, and learn about the Celtic roots of this Hawaiian princess in an evening luau setting. Few people know that the last heir to the throne of the Hawaiian Islands Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn... Read full article.
The Lahaina News - Hoike will honor Lahainas royal past Aug. 26 2010
LAHAINA An event on Saturday, Oct. 16, will celebrate Crown Princess Kaiulani Cleghorns 135th birthday and honor Lahainas royal past and the rich, vibrant culture of Hawaii.The 2010 Lahaina Royal Hoike will be held at historic Waiola Church. All are welcome. Musicians, schools, youth organizations and hula halau are invited to join the hoike to honor High Chiefess Keopuolani, Princess Nahienaena and King Kaumualii who are all entombed there as well as Princess Kaiulani, who now lies at the Royal Mausoleum in Oahu. Participating groups include the Royal Hawaiian Guard, a new Maui organization that understands the value of youth. Read full article.
Newspaper, Canada - Homecoming Scotland, 2009 CANADA - As Scottish Ambassador for The Princess Ka'iulani Project ( ...Hamish also took the story of Hawaii's most beloved Hawaii/Scot back to her father's homeland. While representing Scots of Hawaii, he reported on events and interviewed traditional musicians which will be heard on his own Celtic music radio show on Mana'o Radio 91.5 FM Maui, 8-10 AM Sundays Hawaii Time (11 AM to 1 PM PST online at
Clan Convention - On July 24 Hamish attended the first Clan Convention in recorded history at the Scottish Parliament building in Edinburgh. Over 100 Scottish Clan Chiefs and clan dignitaries from around the world discussed the role of the clans in the modern world. From a homeland population of five million, the Scottish diaspora worldwide is now 30-40 million people. While welcoming the Chiefs, the Earl of Caithness (Chief of Clan Sinclair) stated "never have so many chiefs been in one room, without swords and shields, gathered in peace. Read full article...
The Lahaina News - Hamish Burgess Represents Maui Scots at "The Gathering" Aug. 20 2009
WEST MAUI - Scottish Ambassador to The Ka'iulani Project and owner of the local business and cultural organization Maui Celtic, Hamish Burgess recently represented Maui Scots at "The Gathering" in Edinburgh, Scotland. The event was the centerpiece of Homecoming Scotland 2009, a year long series of events aimed at bringing folks of Scottish heritage back to their homeland. Read full article... "Burgess took the heroic story of Hawaii's most beloved Hawaiian/Scot, Victoria Ka'iulani Kalaninuiahilapalapa Kawekiu I Lunalilo Cleghorn, Crown Princess of Hawaii, back to her father's homeland. Burgess was a featured guest on Liz Clark's show "Travels with your Aunti Liz" on Celtic Music Radio Scotland and Archie Fisher's "Travelling Folk" show on BBC Radio Scotland, both in Glasgow. Special note: As a true Ambassador for the Hawaiian/Scottish connection, before the show, Hamish played Hapa's "Aloha Namahana" for Archie, which the BBC producer then used to introduce Hamish's interview. Photo: Hamish Burgess at Clan Convention in Scottish Parliament. Photo right: broadcsting icon, Archie Fisher of BBC Scotland. Read full article.
The Smithsonian - Ka'iulani, Hawaii's Island Rose May 2009 - by Janet Hulstrand
... You could almost say that she is known for what she wasn’t able to do. Circumstances intervened to prevent her going farther with her life.” Jennifer Fahrni, coauthor of the new play Ka’iulani: The Island Rose, explains “The circumstances and sadness surrounding her death have gained more attention than any of the details of her life. It’s unfortunate that Ka’iulani’s heroic stand for her people is not better known.”
Victoria Ka’iulani Cleghorn was born in Honolulu in 1875, the daughter of Princess Miriam Likelike (sister of the reigning King Kalakaua) and Archibald Scott Cleghorn, a prominent Scottish businessman. Since both King Kalakaua and Liliuokalani, the sister who was to succeed him, were childless, the birth of Kaiulani (meaning royal sacred one) assured the future of the dynasty. As a child, Kaiulani led a charmed life. She lived at Ainahau, a sprawling estate in Waikiki, a then-pristine rural area east of Honolulu. Her mother was a wonderful entertainer who welcomed many people into their home, including the poet and author Robert Louis Stevenson...Read full article.
Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs Newspaper April, 2009 - By Liza Simon
... In Honolulu, 2 events will celebrate the ties between Hawaiian and Scottish cultures. There are many more ties between the two sets of isles that will be highlighted in upcoming events, where Kaio will contribute his talents on the ivory pipes: He'll perform at the Caledonian Society of Hawai'i's Ka'iulani Memorial at the Royal Mausoleum on April 2 and at the 28th annual Hawaiian Scottish Festival and Highland Games at Kapi'olani Park on April 4 and 5. The 28th annual Hawaiian Scottish Festival and Highland Games at Kapi'olani Park on April 4 and 5. In addition to celebrating the Scottish heritage, both events pay tribute to Princess Victoria Ka'iulani – the daughter of Hawaiian Ali'i Miriam Kapili Kekauluohi Likelike and Scottish entrepreneur Archibald Scott Cleghorn. The Kapi'olani Park festival, in addition to its annual offerings of traditional Scottish games, will give a nod to the life and times of Ka'iulani by featuring members of The Ka'iulani Project reading from an upcoming screenplay. See video - Jennifer Fahrni narrates while Kathy Collins plays Ka'iulani in this reading from Fahrni's play, "Ka'iulani - The Island Rose." Members of the Ka'iulani Project will be reading from the developing screenplay at the upcoming Scottish Festival. Photo right: Jake Kaio who will be performing for The Ka'iulani Project Presentation... Read full article
Maui News - Backstage April 2, 2009 - by Sky Barnhart
Maui's own Ka'iulani Project will open the 28th Hawaiian/Scottish Festival in Honolulu this weekend. Actor and Merrie Monarch host Kimo Kaho'ano, Maui playwright Jennifer Fahrni, Leilani Kupahu-Marino, Hawaiian piper Jacob Kaio and Scottish piper Hamish Burgess of Maui Celtic will perform segments from Fahrni's original script "Ka'iulani - The Island Rose." Co-written with Carol Harvie-Yamaguchi, the play honors the heroism of Hawaiian/Scottish Princess Ka'iulani Cleghorn. Kaho'ano, a direct descendant of Ka'iulani's father, Archibald Cleghorn, will represent King Kalakaua, while Kupahu-Marino represents Ka'iulani. The tribute opens the free festival at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at Queen Kapiolani Park. For more information, visit
SF Gate, Home of the San Francisco Chronicle - Hawaii's Inspiring Princess March, 2009 - Princess Ka'iulani is the subject of a new movie, a new play and ongoing tours at the hotel named in her honor on her former estate in Waikiki...Given the inherent drama of her life and her personal attractiveness, it's no surprise Princess Ka'iulani has inspired a novel (1994's "The April of HerAge," by John Cummins Mebane), a play that's in development in Hawaii ("The Ka'iulani Project") and an upcoming film. A portion of "The Ka'iulani Project" script will be read at the Hawaiian Scottish Festival and Highland Games at Honolulu's Kapi'olani Park April 4 and 5, in a nod to the princess' Celtic heritage; the Caledonian Society of Hawaii of Hawaii will also hold a sunset memorial service for Ka'iulani at the Royal Mausoleum in Honolulu on April 2, according to a recent story in Ka Wai Ola Loa...
Maui Weekly - Maui Celtic presents Fraser and Haas with Princess Ka'iulani Tribute February, 2009
Hamish Burgess of Maui Celtic presents the return of a spectacular Celtic music show, with special guest Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii, to The MACC stage... “Although the last concert sold out, we’re still staying with the intimacy of the McCoy rather than moving it to the Castle Theater,” said Burgess. “This time, Alasdair is honored to play a tribute to Hawai‘i’s Princess Ka‘iulani with Maui’s own Wilmont Kahaiali‘i.”
Musician and cultural speaker Kahaiali‘i will open the show with a Hawaiian chant (oli). As an accomplished singer/guitarist with true aloha spirit, he is the quintessential Hawaiian musician. He is also a member of The Ka‘iulani Project, which is dedicated to celebrating the life of Hawaiian Crown Princess Victoria Ka‘iulani Cleghorn ( Together, Fraser and Kahaialii will perform a Hawaiian-Scottish tribute dedicated to Hawai‘i’s last crown princess...
Maui Weekly - The legacy of a beloved princess is commemorated on Maui - Cindy Schumacher
January, 2009 - Maui resident Jennifer Fahrni and her partner, Hamish Burgess, are leading a team of advocates for the princess to bring the story of her courageous life to the public. Fahrni is an award-nominated actress, and producer. Burgess is the Scottish owner of Maui Celtic and Mana‘o Radio’s Celtic Music host. They are dedicated to giving us the opportunity to commemorate the life of the beloved princess, celebrating Hawai‘i’s unique ethnic diversity and promoting cultural harmony throughout the Maui community through the ongoing Ka‘iulani Project, a movement that celebrates the life, spirit and legacy of the princess...
“The Scots began coming to Hawai‘i in 1778,” said Burgess. Hawai‘i even has its own official Hawaiian Tartan registered in Scotland with the official Scottish Tartans Authority...
Photo: Libby Faris, daughter of Kim Thomson-Kerr and Jay Faris, and granddaughter of Scotsman David Kerr, models the Hawaii tartan officially registered with the Scottish Tartans Authority...
Na 'Oiwi 'Olino Talk Show - Office of Hawaiian Affairs radio program - Mon. Dec. 29th, 2008
Brickwood Galuteria and Kimo Kaho'ano, hosted Jennifer Fahrni of The Ka‘iulani Project, on their call-in show, Na ‘Oiwi ‘Olino from the Office Of Hawaiian Affairs, Mon. Dec. 29th. The three of them discussed the life of Princess Ka'iulani, the Ka'iulani Project, and the upcoming production, "Ka'iulani - The Island Rose". Brick and Kimo also talked about being directly related to Archibald Scott Cleghorn, Princess Ka'iulani's father.
Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs Newspaper
Princess Ka'iulani, is the subject of a play - By Lisa Asato - December 2008 Maui writer and actress Jennifer Fahrni has devoted six years of her life to learning the facts about Princess Ka'iulani for a new play she's co-writing, and sometimes it seems like she's just getting started... putting historical accuracy before ego, Fahrni says she welcomes input from anyone who can shed light on Ka'iulani, even if they may have reservations about Fahrni's malihini roots. “There's no need to Hollywood-ize this story,” adds Fahrni, a native of Vancouver, British Columbia. “The truth is very compelling... " Fahrni and others members of The Ka'iulani Project, like Kathy Collins and Wilmont Kahaialii have performed at readings of the play, which when completed, will feature music, hula and Hawaiian language ... putting historical accuracy before ego, Fahrni says she welcomes input from anyone who can shed light on Ka'iulani, even if they may have reservations about Fahrni's malihini roots. “Give the criticism now before it hits the stage. I've been an actor all my life, and as an actor you learn how to take criticism well,” she says with a laugh...
Fahrni is seeking actors of all ages to portray members of the royal family, including Ka'iulani, King Kalakaua, Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani...Read full article.
Scotland's Sunday Post Glasgow, Scotland - Hawaiian/Scottish Princess - October, 2008
Jennifer Fahrni, a Canadian born actress says the event can be a vital reminder of the Scottish strand in Hawaii's identity... Princess Ka'iulani has been forgotten and it's time she was celebrated. She was heir to the Hawaiian throne and would have been queen had the US not illegally taken the islands. At 11 she was sent to a school in Northamptonshire by King Kalakaua to get an education fit for a future queen... While there she visited her father's homeland several times. It's believed Robert Louis Stevenson shared legends and folk tales of Scotland with her, bolstering her courageous spirit, which shone through when she returned to Hawaii in the late 1890s.
Ms. Fahrni said, "Embracing both her Scottish and Hawaiian ancestries, Ka'iulani found the strength to single-handedly influence the American President to delay Hawaii's annexation to the US This amazing achievement took the American press by storm and changed the world's view of the Hawaiian people ... But in the last 100 years or so years Ka'iulani's story has been nearly forgotten. She lived a life to be remembered...”
The Maui News Maui, Hawaii - Princess Ka'iulani - October 16th, 2008:
It has been almost 110 years since the death of 'The People's Princess' and for most of that time, due to the suppression of all things Hawaiian that did not boost tourist trade, her story seemed lost to all but Hawaiian elders and historians. Nowadays it is apparent that this lost princess is lost no longer ... A new play is in the works, "Ka'iulani, The Island Rose," presented earlier on Maui at a staged reading.

Office of Hawaiian Affairs Website - Ka'iulani to be Celebrated - By Lisa Asato / Ka Wai Ola ... November, 2008 - The Ka'iulani Project evening will feature Kathy Collins reading as Ka'iulani, as well as Wilmont Kahaialii, who will read as King Kaläkaua and play music, and Brado, Hamish Burgess The Samoan Choir and Tava Nui Tahitian Drumming Group. ... Camille Romero will read as Ka'iulani. Joining her will be Hamish Burgess, Roger McKinley, Peter Della Croce and others. ... The Ka'iulani Project, which aims to raise a positive awareness of the princess, and in the words of its originator Jennifer Fahrni, to "give the Hawaiians back their heroine."... seeking a kumu hula to choreograph. For information For more on Fahrni and the upcoming play Ka'iulani – the Island Rose, see Ka Wai Ola's December issue..." Read full article.
Ka'iulani Project Meeting Topic KAHULUI - Members of "The Ka'iulani Project Celebrating the Life and Untold Story of Hawaiian Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn" will present a performance on the princess to the Rotary Club of Kahului on Monday at the Dunes at Maui Lani restaurant.Club meetings are from 11:50 a.m. to 1 p.m. A buffet lunch is available for $20. Jennifer Fahrni, Wilmont Kahaialii, Kathy Collins, Ha-mish Burgess and Peter Della Croce will perform and read scenes from a new script about the princess and play Hawaiian and Scottish music. Fahrni, an actress, researcher and playwright, has collaborated with Carol Harvie-Yamaguchi to write "Ka'iulani, The Island Rose...."
Lahaina News - Play Sheds New Light on Princess Ka'iulani - November, 2008 Proceeds from this event – set for 6 to 8 p.m. at Lahaina United Methodist Church at 142 Baker St. along Front Street – will benefit Maui Police Department Senior Criminologist Julie Wood, who is battling cancer. Learn the truth about Ka’iulani with the performance of selected scenes from the new script “Ka’iulani, The Island Rose” by Jennifer Fahrni and Carol Harvie-Yamaguchi. Kathy Collins – actress, Mana’o Radio celebrity and winner of the 2005 Hawaii Music Award for “Comedy Album of the Year,” will bring the princess to life. An award-nominated actress, researcher, playwright and Ka’iulani advocate, Fahrni will recount Ka’iulani’s untold story and read from her script. Wilmont Kahaialii, a talented singer, guitarist and Hawaiian culturalist, will play his music and read Kalakaua in selected scenes from the play. " Read full article.
Haleakala Times - Play Sheds Light on Ka'iulani - The Ka'iulani Project
“The Ka‘iulani Project” explores Princess Victoria Ka‘iulani Cleghorn, who since her passing in 1899 has been referred to as a sad and “Tragic Princess.” According to the playwrights, Ka‘iulani should be remembered for her vibrance and courageous efforts for her nation during her lifetime."Scottish born Hamish Burgess — Mana‘o Radio’s Celtic radio show host and owner of Maui Celtic — will fire up the bagpipes and read in selected scenes from the play...
Maui Weekly - A Celebration of Life - The Ka'iulani Project
"...Fahrni is happy to help a member of our community and hopes to see any event that bears her name do the same—Ka‘iulani herself spent much of her energy raising funds for those in need..." A Celebration of Life - The Ka‘iulani Project, is an evening of music, history and theater celebrating the life and untold story of Hawaiian Princess Victoria Ka‘iulani Cleghorn. The performance will be staged at the Lahaina United Methodist Church, 142 Baker Street on Saturday, Nov. 15, from 6 to 8 p.m. The event is a benefit for Julie Wood, senior crime scene investigator for the Maui Police Department, who is battling a rare and deadly form of appendix cancer. Wood is a viable candidate for a technologically advanced treatment discovered by Swedish scientists, but health insurance does not cover treatment outside the U.S.
Friends and co-workers, as well as Maui residents who have learned of her plight, are joining together in an effort to raise the $200,000 necessary so she can travel to Sweden for treatment...“It’s time Ka‘iulani was celebrated—here in Hawai‘i most importantly,” said Fahrni. “Ka‘iulani was a bridge between the cultures, and as the best of the Hawaiian and Scottish, her legacy lives on in all the multicultural children living in Hawai‘i today.”
Topix - Hawaiian Website Discussing Honolulu Star Bulletin Article about Ka'iulani, The Island Rose
Boycott this racist movie... Go ahead tell the real story how the land was taken away from the Native Hawaiians... I saw this - this project is worth seeing. Their website for Princess Ka'iulani is It's a great tribute to the culture. Read full article and make comments.
Maui News - The Ka'iulani Project Produces Benefit for Maui Police Department Senior Criminalist
"...As a benefit for Maui Police Department senior criminalist Julie Wood who has cancer, "The Ka'iulani Project," an evening of music, history and theater celebrating the life of Hawaiian Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn, will be..." Read full article.
Maui Time Magazine - The Activist Princess, The Ka'iulani Project - Pick of the Week by Kate Bradshaw
"...the life of Princess Ka'iulani Cleghorn, niece of Queen Lilioukalani, was more than one consisting of tragedy and loss, which is a commonly held conception. The only hapa haole heir to the Hawaiian throne (she was half-Scottish), Ka'iulani got word of the kingdom's overthrowing while studying in England. Upon hearing about it she hightailed it stateside to argue ..." Read full article.
Maui News - The Ka'iulani Project Raises Funds for Julie's Hope
"... A cross-cultural concert and theater event featuring Hawaiian music and Scottish bagpipes will be held Saturday at Lahaina United Methodist Church as a fundraiser for Maui Police Department criminalist Julie Wood, who is battling cancer...." Read full article.
Maui News - History of Hawaiian princess to Come Alive - The Ka'iulani Project
Journey back to a controversial time in Hawaiian history where several members of the musical Kalakaua royal family are depicted, as well as other well-known politicians and ladies of the day...""... events will feature selected scenes from the play by Jennifer Fahrni and Carol Harvie-Yamaguchi, a period piece (1) surrounding the life of Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn that celebrates this brave young girl who overcame great sorrow to become Hawaii's "Hope of the Nation." Read full article.
Honolulu Star Bulletin - Ka'iulani Scenes to Play on Maui - The Ka'iulani Project
"...script for "The Island Rose" was produced under the Ka'iluani Project, a celebration of the legacy of Hawaiian Crown Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn. It will premiere..." Read full article.
Topix - Hawaiian Website discussing “Ka'iulani - The Island Rose”
"... There is no slant - it's about the truth and it's a story that is rarely told. Ka'iulani changed forever how the world saw theHawaiian people. Ka'iulani has been forgotten and it's time she was celebrated - here in Hawai'i most importantly..." Read full article.
Maui News article - The Creation of a Play "Ka'iulani, The Island Rose - June 12, 2008 - by Sky Barnhart
"... three-hour reading (which is why we’re cutting!), the audience gave a long standing ovation and..." Read full article.
Maui Time Newspaper - Island Rose Reading: Maui's Pick of the Week by Starr Begley
"... a little ironic that the first stages of Project Ka`iulani, the Island Rose, are coinciding with the filming of a motion picture on the same topic that's currently drawing substantial protests. But unlike its big budget and over dramatized look-alike, this organic production—written and extensively researched by Maui residents C. Harvie-Yamaguchi and J.J. Fahrni— focuses on the historical details and people surrounding the short life of Princess Victoria Ka`iulani Cleghorn, heir to the Hawaiian throne at the time of annexation. Now that was a wahine with seriously large kahones! ..." Read full article.
Maui Weekly Newspaper - Island Rose Reading - Performance reading of a forgotten story worth remembering. - April, 2008 The Maui Academy of Performing Arts’ (MAPA) Steppingstone Playhouse at Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center in Kahului will present aperformance reading of Ka‘iulani, The Island Rose, on Saturday, April 12, beginning at 7 p.m. Admission is free and donations will be accepted. Ka‘iulani, The Island Rose is an original stage play written and researched by C. Harvie-Yamaguchi and J.J. Fahrni (of Maui Celtic)
over the past five years. The screenplay and stage play have both been completed. The story celebrates the coming of age of a brave young woman who overcame personal sorrow and prejudice to become Hawai‘i’s “Hope of the Nation.” “This story is not candy-coated,” said the writers. “There is no slant—it’s about the truth and it’s a story that is rarely told. Ka‘iulani changed forever how the world saw the Hawaiian people. Ka‘iulani has been forgotten and it’s time she was celebrated—here in Hawai‘i most importantly.”
This is a period piece (1885 to 1893) surrounding the life of Princess Victoria Ka‘iulani Cleghorn. The play covers a controversial period in Hawaiian history in which several members of the musically gifted Kalakaua Royal Family are depicted, as well as other well-known politicians and ladies of the day.
“A project like this is a large undertaking but we have been blessed with some wonderful readers lined up for the Saturday Performance Reading. This is the time to make changes if changes need to be made and that’s why we are inviting the entire community to take part in this process.” said Fahrni. Anyone wanting to take part in, or sponsor, the stage production is also encouraged to attend. There will be a discussion after the performance for those wishing to take part.
It is not widely known that Ka‘iulani was a child of dual heritage, her mother being the willful and tempestuous Hawaiian Princess Miriam
Likelike, and her father, Archibald Cleghorn, the Scottish entrepreneur and advisor to the monarchy. This remarkable child of two races was educated in Hawai‘i and the British Isles and was heir to the Hawaiian throne at the time of annexation. At the age of 17, the young princess fought courageously for her country in its hour of need. Ka‘iulani was also instrumental in changing the world’s prejudiced view of the Hawaiian people. This public reading will ultimately lead to a large musical stage production for Hawai‘i, which will first be performed here in Maui. Casting of the actual stage production will be the next step.
Note: This is a different project than the one currently under Hawaiian protest on O‘ahu. For more information, contact David Johnston at MAPA at , or Maui Celtic at .
Maui Celtic website Scots in Hawaii - Cultural website from Hawaii - by Hamish Burgess
"... The search is now on for the girl who will play the princess in the large-scale..." Read full article.
Maui Academy of Performing Arts - Upcoming Production - "Ka'iulani - The Island Rose" "...Ka'iulani's story of determination and courage is a story for our time. Through her struggle to embrace her dual heritage, she found the inner strength to speak for her nation in its darkest hour. The play challenges us to examine the prejudices and misunderstandings that tear us apart. And her story compels us to embrace diversity as the foundation upon which we build our greatness."