About Princess Kaiulani
Kaiulani - The Island Rose
About the Kaiulai Project
Kaiulani Project News
Kaiulani Project Events
Kaiulani Project Blog
Mahalo to our generous Sponsors!
The home page for the Kaiulani Project


Princess Ka'iulani of HawaiiConsiderable attention has been given to The Ka‘iulani Project by both the Hawaiian community, and the media which has been documenting our progress. We are extremely grateful for the aknowledgement of the press and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; as well as other Ka‘iulani researchers and scholars. Their support and open discussions have started a valuable dialogue through email, this website and Ka'iulani Project Presentations. Also, see Ka'iulani Connections for further discussions and research resources.

We are now seeking funding for "Ka‘iulani - The Island Rose" from both Private and Corporate sectors. Sponsorship will be tax deductable and will ensure that the production, will be able to tell Ka‘iulani's story with the talent and quality which best represents the princess and her great musical family.

The recent economic climate has greatly affected the timeline of this project, yet we are determined to proceed with Ka'iulani Project events throughout Hawaii. We will not have the quality of the project be compromised. At this time we must become more creative in spreading the word.

For those of you who are unable to contribute financially, but do support the project, please go to Ka'iulani Connections and comment on your thoughts and ideas for bringing Ka'iulani's story to light.

For corporations and individuals who share our views and wish to join the project as a Sponsor, please contact of The Ka‘iulani Project or at Maui Academy of Performing Arts.


Ka'iulani Project Logo

Photo: courtesy of Hawaii State Archives at Iolani Palace.


Contact information email.
Hawaii phone. , mail. , Lahaina, Hawaii
Canada phone. or , mail.

All material on this site is Copyright © 2008 by Jennifer J. Fahrni & The Ka'iulani Project unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.

The Kaiulani website is proudly designed by C. Siobhan Halstead at Shoobee Designs