The Princess Ka'iulani Project
Celebrating the Life of Hawaiian Crown Princess
Victoria Ka'iulani Kawekiu I Lunalilo Kalaninuiahilapalapa Cleghorn.
In the face of the worst untruths about herself and her family, when all seemed lost,
Kaiulani, with the greatest dignity, spoke up and simply set the record straight.
Her words are still strong today, and people are listening.
We thank all those who's kokua greatly contributed to the success of
LAHAINA ROYAL HO'IKE - Hawaiian Festival for Princess Ka'iulani
October 16, 2010 at the Sacred Grounds of Waiola Church, Lahaina, Maui.
Since Princess Ka'iulani of Hawaii passed away in 1899, the details of her heroism have been nearly forgotten. Reference to her has been as a sad and "Tragic Princess". Now, after years of research and dialogues with organizations and individuals, we unite to tell her whole story to the world. With Ka'iulani Project Events and the premiere of “Ka'iulani - The Island Rose”, rather than for her tragic loss, we will again remember Princess Ka'iulani for her vibrance, for her courageous efforts for her nation, and for the great love she expressed for the Hawaiian people during her lifetime.
The Ka'iulani Project shows Princess Ka'iulani of Hawaii as an inspiration for young people today to stand up and speak for their beliefs, and to find their own truths by fully embracing their own heritage. We celebrate the friendship between her Scottish and Hawaiian roots. Ka' iulani discovered that our similarities are far greater than our differences and became one of the first to start 'building the bridges'.
We invite all to join us in continuing her efforts.
"The Ka'iulani Project...aims to raise a positive awareness of the princess, and in the words of its originator Jennifer Fahrni, to "give the Hawaiians back their heroine." - Lisa Asato / Ka Wai Ola, Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
"It is time Ka'iulani was celebrated - here in Hawaii, most importantly."
Ka‘iulani’s childhood of hula, surfing, and painting took place in her paradise home at 'Ainahau in Waikiki (now, the site of the Princess Kaiulani Hotel). Her mother, the talented musician and composer, Princess Miriam Likelike (Miriam Kapili Kekauluohi Likelike) was known for her generosity and for opening her home to many international visitors. While always sporting the latest fashion, Likelike also held the position of Royal Governor of Hawaii. Archibald Scott Cleghorn, Ka'iulani's father, a Scottish born businessman and later, Governor of Oahu became known as Hawaii’s Father of Parks, as he was planner of several Hawaii parks including Queen Kap'iolani Park, which was close to their home. Ka'iulani looked up to three half-sisters including her best friend, Annie Cleghorn.
In her nation's darkest hour, Kaiulani found the inner strength to speak for her people, greatly influencing the American press and President Cleveland's decision to halt the annexation of Hawaii to the United States. With this action, this 'daughter of a double race' made the first step in forever changing the word's view of the Hawaiian people. Full article...
An important element of The Ka'iulani Project is an original script researched since 2002. Ka‘iulani's story of determination and courage is a story for our time. The play "Ka'iulani, The Island Rose", challenges us to examine the prejudices and misunderstandings that tear us apart. Her story compels us to embrace diversity as the foundation upon which we build our greatness. The play focuses on Ka'iulani's personal experience while growing up to be the leader of her nation. Information drawn largely from her personal letters.
Kumu Hula/choreographers are most important members of this project, as several moments of truth in this production are conveyed through hula. celebrating the life of a young girl of two races, who overcame great sorrow to become Hawaii's 'Hope of the Nation.' By bringing the story of Ka'iulani to the stage we hope to empower children of Hawaiian and multicultural heritage to fully embrace their cultures and create a solid base from where they may also achieve great things. The production will premiere and be produced in Hawaii. Photos and futher details
Saturday, October 16th, 2010 - Hawaiian Festival for Princess Ka'iulani - LAHAINA ROYAL HO'IKE - Waiola Church and Moku'ula, Lahaina Hawaii.
History was in the making at Lahaina Royal Ho'ike - From the Keiki to Ka'iulani and the Crown. This event, which was produced by the kokua of those who not only care, but are active in supporting the Hawaiian culture which surrounds us, celebrated the 135th birthday of Crown Princess Victoria Ka'iulani in this year of the Hawaiian Kingdom Bicentennial, 1810 - 2010.
From 9am - 5pm - In sunny Lahaina Town, families enjoyed live music on stage, vendors booths, jewelry, Hawaiian crafters, carvers, local artists, hula halau, Celtic booths, food booths, health screenings, silent auction, massage, history and cultural specialists and displays, Hawaiian Games, tours of the sacred grounds of Moku'ula and Waiola, and much more. Read Lahaina News Article.
Visitors experienced Lahaina's Royal Past and the rich culture of Hawai'i at the House of Keopuolani, the wife and mother of Kings. Keopuolani, who was born in Maui, was of the highest mana. Even the esteemed Kamehameha was her inferior in terms of mana, and had to bow when in her presence. By marrying her, Kamehameha's children would be ensured of the highest ali'i rank. Two of their twelve children together, were Kamehameha II and Kamehameha III. Keopuolani chose to be buried at the sacred Waiola Church in Lahaina, where Christianity began here on the island of Maui. Other alii buried at Waiola include Princess Nahi'ena'ena and King Kaumuali'i of Kauai, who peacefully capitulated to Kamehameha the Great, which was significant in the forming of the Hawaiian Kingdom 200 years ago.
Evening LU'AU O KA'IULANI - First, Grammy winning Richard Ho'opii entertained during a feast of authentic Hawaiian cuisine prepared by the Royal Order of Kamehameha. Then, all were witness to cultural protocols honoring Hawaii's Royalty, performed by The Royal Hawaiian Guard, Hawaii Royal Order of Guards, Royal Order of Kamehameha, Kahu of Waiola Church, the Kupuna of Maui, Sam Ka'ai, Richard Ho'opi'i, and many more including a delegation from Lahainaluna and representative from the Caledonian Society of Hawaii. Some of these protocols were performed for the first time in over 100 years. For the first time in history the official portrait of Queen Keopuolani sat at her tomb. Earlier in the day, the portrait was carried by Royal Guard from Honolulu to Kahului and met by Royal Hawaiian Guard salute at Kahului ariport. Ho'okupu offerings to Queen Keopuolani were presented at her tomb and ho'okupu offerings to Princess Ka'iulani were presented to descendants of the Princess's family and accepted personally by the Grand-niece of Hawaii's Crown Princess. Finally, the audience traveled 135 years back in time to see the gripping story of Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn, the daughter of a double race. Her story was told through letters, interviews music, hula, and performance of selected scenes from the original upcoming production “Ka’iulani - The Island Rose”. Performers included actors, Camille Romero (Ka'iulani), Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaiali'i (King Kalakaua), Brian Connelly (Archibald Cleghorn), Steve Hatcher (Robert Louis Stevenson), Jennifer Fahrni (Gertrude Gardinier), Hamish Burgess (Scottish bagpiper), and Halau ‘O Keaunui ‘O Maui. Also included, were some never before seen photographs, and recently uncovered information from Bishop Museum archivists.
This event, has gone to the hearts of many. Despite these times of financial setbacks, Lahaina Royal Ho'ike was an example of what we can accomplish when we work toward a common cause. The Ka'iulani Project, Royal Hawaiian Guard and Waiola Church again thank all the Kupuna, performers, scholars, and Maui businesses including Kaanapali Beach Hotel, Kamehameha Schools, Old Lahaina Luau, Office Max, Ron Daniels' Kahilis, Rainbow Rentals, Grand Wailea, Trilogy Excursions, Fred Lorenzo, Matt Holton, Elle Cochrane, Sunshine Helicopters, UFO Parasail, Maui Celtic who not only understand, but actively support the culture of Hawaii.
Tuesday, April 6th, 2010 - Princess Ka'iulani Memorial - Royal Mausoleum, Chapel at Mauna 'Ala,
Honolulu, Oahu. Caledonian Society of Hawaii presented their yearly sunset Tribute to Princess Victoria Ka'iulani at Mauna ‘Ala, the Royal Mausoleum of Hawaii, in Nuuanu Valley. Fine Scottish weather of light rain combined with Hawaiian sunset made for a rainbow over the chapel while Hardy Spoehr, of the Celtic Pipes and Drums of Hawai`i, piped the gathering into the small church. Performances by the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society of Hawaii and the Margaret Rose School of Dance from Helensborough, Scotland, who performed the Seann Triubhas - Gaelic for "unwanted trousers". This is a dance which depicts the 'throwing off of the trousers' and celebrates the repeal of the Proscription Act, the law which forbade the Scots from wearing their traditional kilts. Featured speaker Jennifer Fahrni of the Princess Ka'iulani Project spoke passionately about the Princess' life and achievements...more
Sunday, November 8th, 2009 - The Ka'iulani Project - Raising Funds for Storybook Theatre of Hawaii - Hanapepe, Kauai.
 The Ka'iulani Project raised funds for Storybook Theatre by presenting an afternoon of History, Theatre and Music with Hamish Burgess of Maui Celtic on the Scottish bagpipes and Cindy Combs on Hawaiian slack key guitar. The presentation includes a history of Princess Ka'iulani Cleghorn's untold heroism, short scenes from the original script "Ka'iulani - The Island Rose" and a projected presentation of photographs. Mark Jeffers, Executive Director of Storybook Theatre says, "I am happy that the Ka'iulani Project has undertaken this mission of communicating the story of PK throughout your travels. She was so well loved and admired in her lifetime and yes, her story has not been told very much. Few children in Hawaii schools know about her." Photos and further details...
July, 2009 - Ka'iulani Project takes Ka'iulani's story to Scotland and the BBC - Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland.
 Hamish Douglas Burgess, Scottish Ambassador for The Ka'iulani Project, took Princess Ka'iulani's heroic story back to her father's (Archibald Scot Cleghorn) homeland. Representing Hawaii Scots, Hamish travelled to Scotland for The Gathering, which was the centrepiece of the Homecoming Scotland celebrations. Hamish was a featured guest on both Liz Clark's show "Travels with my Auntie Liz" on Celtic Music Radio Scotland and on Archie Fisher's Traveling Folk Show on BBC Scotland to speak about Hawaii's most treasured Hawaii/Scott, Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Cleghorn. He also spoke of the history of Scots in Hawaii and upcoming Hawaiian production "Ka'iulani - The Island Rose", which will bring Ka'iulani's life story to the stage. Special note: Before the show, Hamish played Hapa's "Aloha Namahana" for the BBC's Archie Fisher which the producer then used to introduce Hamish's part of the show. Details and photos.
April 4 & 5, 2009 - 28th Annual Hawaiian Scottish Festival - Honolulu, Hawaii.  Kimo Kaho'ano joined Jennifer Fahrni, in presenting The Ka'iulani Project which opened the festival held at Kapi'olani Park in Waikiki. The presentation opened with a moving exchange between Hawaiian chant and Scottish bagpipes from Kimo Kaho'ano, Scottish piper, Hamish Burgess and Hawaiian piper, Jacob Kaio. Photo right: Leilani Kupahu-Marino as Ka'iulani, veteran actor and host of Hawaii's beloved Merrie Monarch Festival, Kimo Kaho'ano (Cleghorn descendant), as King Kalakaua, with and actor Brian Dinsmore as Archibald Cleghorn. After a performance by The Lindsay Hula Halau, The Ka'iulani Project Presentation led into the Opening Parade of the Color Guard. Mahalo to the Hawaiian Scottish Association and to Princess Kaiulani Fashions who donated the Princess Kaiulani dress for the occasion. Details and photos.
: Alasdair Fraser, Natalie Haas & Wilmont Kahaialii at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center. Event produced by Hamish Burgess and Jennifer Fahrni of The Ka'iulani Project and Maui Celtic. After a salute by the bagpipes, Wilmont Kahaialii, opened the show with an Oli. In the video, world's top Scottish fiddler, Alasdair Fraser, and cellist Natalie Haas accompany Wilmont Kamaunu Kahaialii in a Hawaiian/Scottish tribute dedicated to Hawaii's last Crown Princess. Wilmont sings a composition by Ka'iulani's mother, Princess Miriam Likelike... photos and further details.
Selected Articles:
The Lahaina News Be Part of history at the Lahaina Royal Ho'ike - By Mark Vieth, Editor - October 2010
“It is the first time in history that the official portrait of Queen Keopuolani will sit at her royal tomb at Waiola Church. The portrait will be generously on loan from Kamehameha Schools of Oahu for that evening only. It will be carried by the Hawaii Royal Order of Guards from Oahu to Maui and met by official salute at Kahului Airport by the Royal Hawaiian Guard of Maui,” said Jennifer Fahrni of The Ka‘iulani Project, who organized the event with Faleafine and Wilmont Kahaialii of Waiola Church. An event on Saturday, Oct. 16, will celebrate Crown Princess Ka‘iulani Cleghorn’s 135th birthday and honor Lahaina’s royal past and the rich, vibrant culture of Hawaii... Fahrni has been involved in the Ka‘iulani Project for the past eight years. “The reason I continue to tell Ka‘iulani’s story is to give the young people of today — and us old people for that matter — an example of someone who, by standing strong and telling the truth, changed history. “She didn’t fail. If she hadn’t spoken up, then maybe you could say she had failed. But in the face of the worst untruths about herself and her family, when all seemed lost, Ka‘iulani, with the greatest dignity, spoke up and simply set the record straight. Her words are still strong today, and people are listening,” she concluded. Read full article....
The Smithsonian
Ka'iulani, Hawaii's Island Rose - By Janet Hulstrand - May 2009
You could almost say that she is known for what she wasn’t able to do. Circumstances intervened to prevent her going farther with her life.” Jennifer Fahrni, coauthor of the new play Ka’iulani: The Island Rose, explains “The circumstances and sadness surrounding her death have gained more attention than any of the details of her life. It’s unfortunate that Ka’iulani’s heroic stand for her people is not better known.” As a child, Ka’iulani led a charmed life...Since both King Kalakaua and Lili’uokalani, the sister who was to succeed him, were childless, the birth of Ka’iulani (meaning “royal sacred one”) assured the future of the dynasty... Read more
Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs Newspaper
Princess Ka'iulani, is the Subject of a Play - By Lisa Asato - December 2008 Maui writer and actress Jennifer Fahrni has devoted six years of her life to learning the facts about Princess Ka'iulani for a new play she's co-writing (with Carol Harvie-Yamaguchi), ... “The truth is very compelling... "putting historical accuracy before ego, Fahrni says she welcomes input from anyone who can shed light on Ka'iulani, even if they may have reservations about (her) malihini roots.“Give the criticism now before it hits the stage. I've been an actor, and as an actor you learn how to take criticism well,” she says with a laugh... Read more...
Maui Weekly News The Legacy of a Beloved Princess is Commemorated on Maui - By Cindy Schumacher - January, 2009 Maui resident Jennifer Fahrni and her partner, Hamish Burgess, are leading a team of advocates for the princess to bring the story of her courageous life to the public. Fahrni is an award-nominated actress, and producer. Burgess is the Scottish owner of Maui Celtic and Mana‘o Radio’s Celtic Music host. They are dedicated to giving us the opportunity to commemorate the life of the beloved princess, celebrating Hawai‘i’s unique ethnic diversity and promoting cultural harmony throughout the Maui community through the ongoing Ka‘iulani Project, a movement that celebrates the life, spirit and legacy of the princess...
A blog where those learning about Princess Ka'iulani of Hawaii, can connect and comment. A branch of The Ka'iulani Project.
Topics Include: Help Ka'iulani's Belongings go to a Hawaiian Institution * Ka'iulani's Story Travels to Scotland's Gathering * Ka'iulani Celebrates Statehood? * Ka'iulani Project on Kauai with Storybook Theatre * Princess Victoria Ka'iulani Elementary School, Honoring the Princess for over 100 years * Ka'iulani in the Smithsonian * Kristin Zambucka and the Bronze Plaque * Congratulations to Maui's Sacred Hearts Student * A Note From Mindi Reid * Clarence Waipa and Ka'iulani * Upcoming Festival * Mikahala Roy, Kahu of the Ahu'ena Heiau * The Ka'iulani Project and Na 'Oiwi 'Olino Radio Program * Ka'iulani Project - Kumu/Choreographer * It's a New Year - A Time to Take a Good Look at Ourselves *
Ka'iulani must have become tired of constant references to her beauty, when she
was fighting with every ounce of wit and dignity, which her extensive education afforded her.
It is a concern that Ka'iulani's true story has escaped so many Hawaiians who grew up in the islands.
The Project is particularly concerned with restoring Ka'iulani as a heroine and a role model for young women.
There are several issues which we hope to address with this project. Perhaps one of the more important is illustrating and celebrating the similarities between her Celtic and her Hawaiian roots. The Scots (also an indigenous island people) experienced a similar situation;
which is one reason they have supported and continue to support the Hawaiian culture.
Our similarities are far greater than our differences.
Ka'iulani recognized this, and became one of the first to start 'building the bridges'.

Photos of Princess Ka'iulani are courtesy of the Hawaii State Archives at Iolani Palace. This website may be used as a gathering place for those wishing to further research the life of Hawaii's last Crown Princess Ka'iulani. See links, behind the scenes photos, opinions, and contriute at Princess Ka'iulani Connections. Connect with us on . The website last updated April 16, 2010.